It doesn't even really feel like summer. The last three weeks have been really nice, warm & sunny.
The last few days on the other hand...
I suppose we needed the rain, it has been quite dry.
I had been going full force for those few nice weeks. Putting in new garden beds, planting flowers, playing in the dirt, cutting grass, brainstorming on where I could put what vegetable beds for next spring, and just exploring the property and what it really had to offer.
Friday and Saturday have really reminded me of how lazy the weather can make you feel. I look out the window, see the wind blowing through the trees, the grey clouds, the rain drops falling and all I want to do is stay in my sweatpants and veg out on the couch.
The sun really can fill you with energy. Like endorphins pumping through your veins almost, at least when you have been somewhat sun deprived for what seems like months.
I have been thinking of how fast the summer will fly by.
Fall will be here before I even get a chance to feel satisfied enough with what I have accomplished around the garden and by then it will be to cold to lay out on the hammock (which hasn't been hung yet) and really soak up all the rays, while drifting in and out of sleep.
I often think I should slow down and just take a day or two off from doing things that need to or I would like to get done and do just that, lay in the grass, nap under the sun, but then I remember how fast these nice days will go by.
Well, I suppose the rainy days are good rest opportunities.
We went to the garden center yesterday. I found snapdragons.
I was SO excited.
The last time I remember seeing them is when I was in North Carolina. I worked for a man that grew them for a living, helping him to plant seeds, put the new plants in the ground when they were mature enough, and just keeping busy outside making sure it all ran smoothly so that the local funeral homes would be supplied with there weekly shipments for the dead, and loved ones of course.
He grew hydroponic lettuce before he decided to make the switch to the colorful beauties. He said all the green was really starting to get to him.
To see the love he had for these plants made me realize how much of a health beneficiary than can be.
He also grew sunflowers. He had a big field of them, he purposely planted them on the road up to his house, just so he could drive past them each time he was coming and going. He always got a slight grin on his face when he drove by.
We got 18 young plants, just starting to bloom for 90 kronor (about $12). I have yet to put them in yet because of the rain, but I will be enjoying there beauty soon enough.