I just finished planting 40 thuja bushes yesterday, along the border of the fence in the front of the house. If all goes well they should grow to 7 or 8 feet, giving us a nice privacy fence.
Although, we live down a road with just a handful of other houses, it's not like we need much privacy, but it's always nice to look out and see greenery.
I also put in three rhododendron plants. Spending a lot of time in North Carolina throughout the years and seeing rhododendrons growing wild all along the Appalachian Trail and beyond, I never really thought people actually planted these things in there gardens.
I haven't done to much research on them, I'm not sure if these are the same variety that you find in the states, but the folks in Scandinavia love these winter hardy bushes.
They bloom during the summer and I have to admit are quite beautiful, but I never thought of them as being something as special as they are.
It has been raining almost constantly the past couple of weeks with a few days of sun here and there.
The roof on the barn is in dire need of being replaced. With all of this rain we keep looking out the window thinking that we will see the whole thing collapsed.
The tomato plants are huge!
So far three zuchinni's have blessed us with there presence and a few cherry tomatoes ( I ate them as I was standing in the greenhouse of course).