Decided to come back for a visit with the family.
Although, August & September aren't my favorite months in good 'ole Louisiana. It has definitely been a big change from the swedish summer. Much more humid and just a tad bit warmer.
OK, so a LOT warmer.
My niece just started 1st grade at a new school. She loves it. She looks so cute in her uniform.
It's been really nice being back home and being able to spend time with the fam and watch my niece grow into being her own little person.
It's so crazy thinking about how fast time flies.
The more time I spend with her, the more I realize how long I have been away and how fast she is becoming an individual.
Thus, the older I feel.
Yea, yea, I'm only 27, but hell, that's almost 30.
I have to remind myself sometimes that I'm not a kid anymore.
I've gotta remember to make every day the best day, and to take full advantage of every moment.
On another note...
I made a birthday cake for a friend of my Mom and sister. She just recently had a boob job, so we thought a boob cake would be fitting. ;-)